Membuat Animasi 3D Menggunakan DAZ Studio V4.5 PRO Full Version

Rabu, 03 Juli 2013
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halo sobat selamat malam pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin share softwrae design 3d yaitu daz3d studio pro full version.

hah untuk mengisi waktu kejenuhan saya, karena bosen abis belajar fisika buat uas besok, dari pusing mikirin fisika mending saya update blog sekalian mengisi waktu kosong sebelum tidur, eits ko malah curhat tapi gpp yah... :D
nah pada kesempatan kali ini mau share software design animasi 3d yaitu daz 3d yah dengan menggunakan software ini kita dapat membuat sebuah animasi 3d yang professional, daz 3d studio ini merupakan software design animasi 3d paling populer.

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Fitur Dari DAZ 3D

Content Creator Toolkit

*Weight-Map Brush (New) - Paint TriAxTM and traditional weight-maps for your figures.

*Transfer Utility (New) - Transfer rigging, grouping, and shapes from one object in your scene to another.

*Polygon Group Editor Tool (New) - Create/Edit polygon groups on any model.

*Figure Setup Tab (Updated) - (previously Skeleton Setup) Define the bone hierarchy for a figure, associated geometries, and the relationships between them.

*Joint Editor Tool (Updated) - Manipulate the Joint Parameters of a figure, along with the ability to create and/or remove bones.

*CR2 Exporter (Updated) - Export figures to the Poser® Character (.cr2) format.
Property Editor Tab (Updated) - Mass editing of property attributes, as well as creation, deletion, grouping, ordering and linking.

*ERC Freeze - Adjust property values (via Parameters tab or Presets/Poses) and link those properties to a controller; automatically calculating the scalar required to drive the properties to their current value when the controller is set to its current value (or 1 in the case of a 0 value).

*Morph Loader Pro (Updated) - Quickly and easily add your own custom and third-party morphs to objects in your scene, using Wavefront Object (*.obj) files, with many more options and much greater control than the Advanced version.

*ExP Exporter - Generate ExP product files through a visual interface. This tool greatly simplifies a very tedious and time-consuming process that had to be done by hand prior to this tool.

GoZ Bridge For DAZ Studio 4

If you are addicted to the millions of polygons available to you in PixologicTM ZBrush®, and love the rigging and character control afforded you by DAZ Studio 4, you do not have to choose. This bridge will allow you take your model from DAZ Studio 4 to ZBrush and back, with ease. Combine the strengths of these great applications with DAZ Studio 4 Professional.

3D Bridge for Adobe® Photoshop®

Easily pose characters and objects three-dimensionally while in DAZ Studio and see automatically updated results in Photoshop.

Autodesk® FBX Exporter

FBX allows you to maximize their content creation pipeline by giving you the ability to create cutting edge content without having to worry about inter-package compatibility. It provides a powerful new way of working with 3D content from a wide variety of applications and source material providers. Support for FBX in DAZ Studio gives you access to the wealth of tools and content available through the extensive network of FBX partners.

Texture Atlas

Creating characters or models for games? Increase efficiency and performance for games and real-time performance with Texture Atlas. Texture Atlas for DAZ Studio allows you to automatically collect all of the textures associated with a selected figure, size and scale those images, and combine them into new texture groupings. Optimize the space used in the combined texture atlas to reduce the overall size of the images and improve performance in real-time applications.

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